Rescue Diver Course
The Rescue Diver Course like Adventure dives, Specialties and Advanced Open Water courses require the student to purchase course material and prepare at home prior to the in water portion of the program. Rescue Diver takes 2 days of training at Dutch Springs to complete. Five scenarios performed over those days and workshops in rescue techniques round out the program. Successful completion of the Rescue Diver Course is one of the most rewarding in all the world of scuba training.
The tuition for the Rescue Diver Course is only $400.00 and does not include the required academic component (eLearning) or gear rental (if needed). Emergency First Response training is a prerequisite of the Rescue diver course. Check our calendar for upcoming Emergency First Response courses (if needed) and upcoming Rescue Diver training, contact us for availability & then stop by to purchase course materials and start your Rescue Diver training today.